Self Indulgence?

My poor wee blog, I have neglected you so. 

I even forgot your first blogiversary 🙁  What an awful human being I am.  Let me get my paltry excuse out the way:  For reasons unknown, I was under the impression that my first blog post was the 12th January 2010.  It wasn’t, it was the 4th.  Deary Me.  Happy Belated 1st Birthday, Noble Nourishment. 🙂  It’s probably just as well I didn’t bother making any New Years Resolutions for 2011 (such as to remember birthdays and important dates this year).  Failure doesn’t bode well with me, whatsoever.

I realised the true “birth” date of Noble Nourishment, when I traipsed back to my first post.  I visited said post, in a bid to try and recapture some of that enthusiasm I started out with.  That is not to say I am lacking enthusiasm for my blog at this current time.  Quite the reverse.  My food obsession is going strong; my food photos are clogging up my memory card.  I even have a few draft posts lurking in my dashboard, waiting for the go-ahead.

So whats the problem?  Why don’t I just get on with it?  Everyone else’s blogs are positively blooming before my eyes, and it’s genuinely wonderful to see.  These blogs have been maintained consistently, with love and care, and the rewards and recognition are wholly deserved! 🙂  A classic example of putting effort in and being recognised for it.  This ethic is transferable for most areas of life, when you think about it!

Anyway, I digress.  My first post revealed the answer to my “problem”.  When I read back to why I set up Noble Nourishment in the first place, I wanted to be “making time for doing things I enjoy and not feeling guilty about it.”  That’s exactly what I’ve been doing recently; feeling guilty about making time for doing things I enjoy.  My objective from the beginning was to make sure I felt creatively Nourished aswell as nutritionally, so it’s disheartening (if not typical) that I managed to steer away from that goal for a while.

Have you ever read an interview with a successful artist/writer/musician, who said that their family/friends were really unsupportive of their ambition?  That they wanted them to get a “real job” working in an office or taking on a trade?  Well, I think I have my own little internal unsupportive character embedded in my brain, chastising me for my “Self Indulgence”, when I really should know better.  I’d say he looks like Jiminy Cricket, but less friendly, with no singing.

With my English Lit and Philosophy classes half way completed at uni, coupled with a backlog at work that would make your eyes water more than any onion ever could, I have actually started taking solace in things like housework (my mother will never believe it, though) and watching TV (which I rarely make time for unless it’s food related).  I have been doing lots of cooking, and happily taken my amateur photographs of said dishes under my poor lighting, with great haste (so as not to let the din dins go cold – BLASPHEMY!).  The hours I’ve wasted on Facebook instead of concentrating on more important things is nothing short of nauseating, and I resolve to be a bit more disciplined!  

My blog absence is also due to the effort I’ve been making to read more.  I am somewhat ashamed to say that I’d started seeking out books that I felt I should be reading, as opposed to my normal tact of simply reading the blurb and deciding if it’s for me.  When a third of your English Lit class say they “don’t read books” and another third are book snobs (I’m clearly tarnishing them with this brush in an attempt to disguise my blatant feeling of inferiority at having not read said books), it’s easy to see how I lost my way a bit.  It was turning my love of reading into some kind of chore.  If anybody wants to know how to suck the fun out of reading, then follow my previous example of choosing misplaced obligation over interest.  If you’re wondering what the other third of my English Lit class consist of, it’s for the classmates who have the self-worth to believe they are in neither of the former categories.  I’m happy to report I’m choosing books my way again.

As with reading, I’ve also managed to put a dampener on my writing.  With every day that passes, my ambition to be a writer is remaining unrealised, and I’m mentally beating myself up about it, instead of just bloody getting on with it.

So this is my official, written confirmation of getting on with it.  Please accept my thanks for reading to the end of this recipe-less post, and be assured that I have lots of tasty, easy, homely and bizarre recipes lined up for you to hopefully try out yourself and enjoy.  

Here’s to an excellent 2011, to you all 😀 x

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

My “Garden” – Elder Park (it’s only pretty now that it’s STOPPED snowing)


  1. Wendy

    Oh Catherine…. you aren’t alone! Sometimes I think you have to step back and let yourself take a break. Like you, I work full time and there are only so many hours in the day. I didn’t write all in December … and only twice in November! This year, let the resolutuon be that we blog when we need to – and that the need to doing it is based on wanting to do it! Happy New Year!

  2. noblenourishment

    I couldn’t agree more, Wendy 🙂 there’s nothing quite like feeling you HAVE to do something to put you right off it! Hopefully it can be our form of escapism once again instead of feeling like a duty! 🙂

  3. irene noble

    Oh you fill me with such mirth with your witty dry humourous writing hehe a fab read sister xx

  4. Ananda Rajashekar

    enjoyed whole post to every bit and the best part was end..Paulo Coelho quotes …i’m totally soaked in his words and books…its complete inspiration for me..Coming to posting in blog i was just discussing with mum that i going to take it slow and will not get stressed out do it when i want to just for my own happiness and nothing more! so don’t worry about not doing it…but we are looking fwd to see ur good post 🙂 i liked ur resolution ha ha these days i forgot God know what 😛

    1. noblenourishment

      Oh Ananda, how wonderful is Paulo Coelho? 🙂 My old colleague gave me a loan of The Alchemist years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since! I’ve just bought Warrior of Light, I can’t wait to read it! You’re quite right, lets not stress ourselves about the blogging 🙂 I look forward to seeing your posts for 2011, and all the lovely photographs!

  5. Lynn

    I’ve got photos of myself (aged almost 2) and my 2 siblings playing during a long endless summer in Elder Park!!!. I’m from Govan although I moved to Pollok when I was 2, but I had loads of Aunts, Uncles and cousins and knew the area very well.

  6. noblenourishment

    How bizzare, I come from Pollok and moved to Govan! What a small world 😀

    I also spent much of my childhood in Elder Park as I have relatives in Govan. I remember when my twin and I were about 4/5, we ran infront of the swings and were swiftly booted in the face by the unsuspecting children on them! How apt that we shared experiences of having burst noses together, we took the Twin thing too far! 😀

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